Catalogues/Shade charts to download
Please click on the images below to access the product catelogues for each product.
You will find most of the products Shades charts we have on offer in the brochures provided,
you can also buy these so you can take with you to show your clients.
we have many catalogues and brochures for all of our products we supply, you can purchase or just download them, its your choice,
Shades do differ online as every screen is different so might be handy in the future to purchase to show clients.
The infinito brochure has the widest amount of products in this one booklet, it covers infinito, riflesso, Dorotea, marmo liquido, diamond as well as decor ideas,
With all its images it has a list of what products and colour codes was used to create them.
Catalogues/Shade charts to download
visit the site also for more information on other products-